Retaining Walls

If you are a homeowner looking for a reliable solution to enhance your outdoor space, then a retaining wall could be the perfect addition. With their ability to create flat surfaces, prevent soil erosion, and add visual interest to your landscape, retaining walls can transform your outdoor area into a functional and beautiful space.

At Believe Hardscape, we offer a wide range of retaining wall options to suit every taste and budget. Our team of experienced professionals will work with you to design and install a retaining wall that meets your specific needs and complements your outdoor space.

What are Retaining Walls?

Retaining walls are structures that are designed to hold back soil or rock, preventing it from moving downhill. They are commonly used to create terraced gardens, level uneven terrain, and prevent soil erosion. Retaining walls can be constructed from various materials, including concrete blocks, bricks, natural stones, and timber.

Benefits of Retaining Walls

Retaining walls have numerous benefits, including:

  1. Prevent soil erosion: Retaining walls help to stabilize the soil and prevent it from washing away during heavy rain or flooding.
  2. Create usable space: Retaining walls can create more usable space in your yard by leveling out steep slopes and creating flat surfaces for gardening or outdoor activities.
  3. Enhance your property’s beauty: Retaining walls can add visual interest and texture to your landscape, creating an aesthetically pleasing outdoor space.
  4. Increase property value: A well-built and beautifully designed retaining wall can increase the value of your property.

Design Options for Retaining Walls

Retaining walls come in a wide range of designs, making it easy to find one that suits your taste and complements your outdoor space. Some popular design options include:

  1. Natural Stone Retaining Walls: These walls use natural stones such as granite, limestone, or sandstone to create a rustic and organic look.
  2. Interlocking Concrete Blocks: These blocks can be stacked and arranged in a variety of patterns, making them a versatile and customizable option.
  3. Gabion Walls: These walls use wire cages filled with rocks or other materials to create a unique and industrial look.

Retaining walls are an essential element of any outdoor space, providing both functional and aesthetic benefits. They prevent soil erosion, create usable space, enhance the beauty of your landscape, and increase the value of your property. With a wide range of types and design options available, there is a retaining wall to suit every taste and budget. Whether you opt for a natural stone wall or an interlocking concrete block design, a well-built and beautifully designed retaining wall is sure to be a valuable addition to your outdoor space.

Our Suppliers

Believe Hardscape offers many options for retaining wall block. We install natural stone and manufactured stone to be able to build a wall that is not only structurally correct but also works with your home design.

To see options by some of our manufactures click their logo to learn more.

To schedule a consultation to see how Believe Hardscape can help with your retaining wall needs click below.


Retaining Walls

Our team works with retaining wall block to help make the most of your space. If your looking to expand an area of your yard or hold back your yard to complete your outdoor entertaining space. Believe Hardscape can help make these a reality for you. 

Decorative Walls

Decorative walls are a great way to add dimension to your space without taking up additional yard. Decorative walls add heights and depth to your beds  and can also add a pop of color to tie everything together. 

Decorative walls can be anywhere from 8in tall up to 16in tall. These look excellent when there is a change of elevation in the yard. 


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